Beijing ICP 09095420-1
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Company address
18 A ,17 East U Valley, Huanke Middle Road, Tongzhou District, Beijing
Factory address
No.2,Binhai Road High-tech Castings Zone,Zhongwang Town,Jinghai District,Tianjin City
Beijing ICP 09095420-1

Ruimao copper art: copper is the top of the spirit, Rongkun pension center construction

Rongkun pension center is located in Guanghou Street, Andingmen Gate, Beijing. Although the construction has not been completed, the embryonic form has been formed.


Rongkun pension center above-ground building area of 18500 square meters, underground building area of 56782.90 square meters. The whole layout is carried out by the central axisymmetric of the southernmost elderly reception service center.



The architectural form draws lessons from the elements of Beijing traditional quadrangle and redesigns it according to the demand of modern function. Into the yard, up and down around, eyes, all kinds of etching, carved fine copper decoration.


Ruimao copper art in the facade and interior decoration construction process, each copper decoration from the axis point


After the completion of the project for follow-up appreciation, please look forward to!

Work unit: Rongkun pension center (Beijing, under construction) copper unit: Beijing Ruimao Metal Decoration Co., Ltd

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